Inspired by my vision for multi-generational wholeness through holiness, my work- featuring The Mothering Well in God Experience- explores what God says love is, God’s love as the superabundant Source within us that we must mother and nurture from when training up children in the way they should go, and experiencing God’s Love every day through our relationship with Jesus for healing and celebrating along the way!

Because children need and deserve to be raised better than “going with the flow” or “making it up as we go”, especially in this rampant world of constant change.

Each of The Mothering Journey Academy’s™ multi-sensory therapeutic experiences is designed to guide us in healing and self-celebration through tangible expressions of God’s love that we can feel and share with others.

Embracing more peace, presence, and pure joy from these Trauma to Treasure™ transformations nurtures our relationship with Jesus Christ and our child(ren), while we are learning & modeling God’s Love and laws as the gold standard of parenting.

To God what?! Be the glory!


People overuse the word and rarely understand what love is. In other languages, there are variations of the word used that imply correct use. However, to “love” someone according to what God says love is- escapes most people. And it is the misguidance of not using these qualities that affects every one else.

Our perceptions of “love” are warped, and not truth. I have a special place in my heart for empowering moms who are survivors of sexual assault or any form(s) of abuse, because I know and can relate to what it feels like to mis-take manipulation, power, and control for love.

The world needs more true love, which is freely given to us by God.

Read more of Mrs. Monique Harris' thoughts on Love and its connection to her mothering journey in "A Guide to Receiving, Then Giving God’s Love" below:

If you’re a Women’s Ministry Director or Group Leader, Empowerment Event Planner or Organizer, Parenting Program Director or Educator- or in a similar role serving moms, or a parent seeking mothering resources and transformative programs to share within a ministry, community, company, or family- learn why...

Taking your walk with Jesus Christ and your journey in motherhood seriously are commendable; especially because of the strong criticism you get from others or yourself for being imperfect while choosing to live a holy life.

God sees the caliber of mom you work everyday to become. He’s been with you in every challenge you’ve faced and overcome.

If you were led to believe "God won't put more on me than I can bear"-

here- you can put down, "I'm trying to be strong".

Because we weren't created to be strong. That's why we need God, our Father.

When a child is expected to support a parent- we call that relationship unhealthy or abusive. So why then are we to believe God wants us to do His job? It's not in the Bible; and it's not truth.

What God actually says is that He won't let you be tempted more than you can bear. Plus, He will always give you a way to escape temptation!

Jesus comforts us with this, “My grace is all you need. Only when you are weak can everything be done completely by my power.”

Immerse yourself in the divinely-inspired Manual for Mothering to discover the superabundance God has equipped and empowered you with for your unique mothering journey through His love!

-Reference 1 Corinthians 10:13 (read as “first Corinthians, chapter 10, verse 13”) and 2 Corinthians 12:9 ERV (read as “second Corinthians, chapter 12, verse 9, the Easy-to-Read Version”).